I started January 1st with a very specific goal. My plan was to go into the gym and crush the project I’d been working on. It would be a new bouldering grade for me, and finishing it seemed like the perfect way to start the new year.
But when I got to the gym and looked at the problem, I kept getting scared. Even though I had most of the moves down, before I even started, I was nervous that I would fail.
As I was warming up, I started chatting with a friend and told him that all I wanted to do that day was send that route.
And his reply changed my whole outlook for the day and for the year.
He told me I was putting to much pressure on myself for a specific outcome. And as soon as he said that, I realized that’s why I was scared just thinking about the climb.
Instead of only being happy if I finished the route, could I consider it a success to climb it well and try my hardest, even if I fall?
The trying is what matters, not the result.
So that is what I resolve to do this year. I will try hard. I will try new things. I will try again.
And when I say try hard, I mean try hard. Harder than I think I can.
Hanging on until my fingertips slide off the hold, not simply letting go.
Going for it with everything I’ve got, even if I don’t know how it will turn out.
Feeling the fear and doing it anyway.
And if I fail, I want to yell in elated frustration because I gave it everything I had.
Though I have plenty of goals, this year, I resolve to measure my progress and success by how hard I try.