Becoming a Badass

This year, my only New Year’s resolution was to be a badass. I didn’t really know what that would mean when I made the resolution, but I knew it was important. I had a vague notion of wanting to be more confident and try things outside of my comfort zone. Turns out I had no idea…

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Focusing my Superpower

I see like a camera sees. Which means I don’t see how other people see. For a long time, I thought this was a disadvantage. I was born cross-eyed. Though I had three surgeries when I was young to correct it cosmetically, my brain never figured out how to fuse the separate images from my…

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I Can’t

I can’t. Yes, you can. This was the exchange that went back and forth between my belayer and me. And that often goes on in my head. Most of the time, I feel fearless. I’m not scared of heights, spiders, clowns or any of the subjects of the most common phobias. Sometimes, I even think…

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